Research Stations and Locations
Research Stations and Locations
Date of Establishment - 1951
Total Area - 84.94 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. D. K. Patil; 07588562608
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected] & [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Pigeonpea, Green gram, Black gram & Gram
Variety Released
BM 2003-2 : The variety is released in the year 2010 for the general cultivation in Maharashtra state. The variety is having drooping pod habit with pointed tip. The seed is bold, shiny and green in color. Pod is long with prominent constriction containing 12 to14 grains. The important feature of the variety is synchronous maturity. The genotype is resistant to Microphomina blight and Powdery mildew and is developed by selection from Chirai local strain.
Details Agriculture Research Station Badnapur
Date of Establishment - 1968
Total Area - 11.93 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Prof. L. S. Deshmukh; 09422378482
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Paddy
Released varieties of paddy
(Terna, Ambika, Tuljapur-1, TGP-48 ) also recommended packgage of practices for cultivation of paddy
Date of Establishment - 1973
Total Area - 20.89 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr.S.B.Pawar 9422178982
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Bajra
Different Bajra variety trails were conducted.
Mother plantlets of Horticulture crops were planted for the demonstration of student.
Date of Establishment - 2006
Total Area - 17.00 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr.(Mrs).S.V.Dhutraj 07588612632
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Banana
Recommended package of practices for control of sigatoka leaf spot disease of banana and also recommended package of practices for cultivation of banana.
Date of Establishment - 1918
Total Area - 11.28 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr.Santosh B. Borgaonkar 07588082166
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Desi Cotton
Variety Release
Date of Establishment - 1941
Total Area - 50.19 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. K. S. Baig; 07304127810
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected] & [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Cotton
Cotton Genotypes
The American cotton variety NH 615 has given 30 percent and 18 percent higher yield over checks NH 545 and PH 348, respectively and is tolerant to alternaria and grey mildew diseases. Hence genotype NH 615 is recommended for Marathwada region
Date of Establishment - 1997
Total Area - 21 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. G. R. Munde; 08275072792
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Custard Apple
Released an improved cultivar Dharur-6 and recommended for cultivation for Maharashtra state.
Date of Establishment - 1937
Total Area - 110.29 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. M. B. Patil; 07588598242
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - All Fruit Crops
Date of Establishment - 1974
Total Area - 15.39 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Shri. S.B.Shinde 09403348678
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Sunflower & Groundnut
Seed Production Programme (Kharif and Rabi). Multi location trial of different crops, received from various Research centers were conducted successfully and data of the same will be send to the respective research station.
Date of Establishment - 1956
Total Area - 26.29 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. M. K. Ghodke; 09423777585
Tel No. & E-mail Address - 02382-245294; [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Sunflower & Groundnut
Date of Establishment - 1979
Total Area - 400 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr.K.S. Baig 07304127810
Tel No. & E-mail Address - 02452-220899; [email protected] & [email protected]
Important Research Crops - All Agricultural crops (Seed Production)
Seed Production for the last five years.
Date of Establishment - 1963
Total Area - 22.80 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Prof. D. B. Surywanshi; 09421694964
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Soybean, Pegeonpea
- Successful production of Breeder, foundation truthful seed of Soybean, Cotton, Tur, Jowar, Safflower, Gram etc.
- Technically conducting the IVT, AHT, SMVT trails of Soybean, Jower, Cotton, Paddy & Safflower crop.
Date of Establishment - 1928
Total Area - 51.96 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr.L.N.Jawale 07588082157
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Kharif & Rabi Sorghum
Released kharif sorghum varieties / hybrids : PVK801, PVK809,CSH25, SPH1641,Parbhani Shakti
Release rabi sorghum varieties : Parbhani Moti, Parbhani Jyoti, Parbhani super Moti, Parbhani Vasant
Date of Establishment - 1966
Total Area - 26.28 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Prof.Dr. S.P. Kausalye 09422703022
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Sugarcane
Date of Establishment - 2006
Total Area - 16.77 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr.Sanjay Patil 9822071854
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Sweet Orange
Date of Establishment - 1947
Total Area - 42.5 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. G.R. Munde; 7588598252
Tel No. & E-mail Address - 02446-245135; [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Soyabeen
Date of Establishment - 1991
Total Area - 2.14 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Shri R.G. Morale; 9527286939
Tel No. & E-mail Address - 02446-245135; [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Cotton, Pigeopea, Rabi Sorghum, Sunflower
The T.S.F. from its establishment is taking quality seed production programme. The quality seed produced is given to university for distribution to farmers.
Years of Establishment : 1969
Total Area : 10.34 ha.
Name of Officer Incharge : Dr. Ashok S. Jadhav
Mob. No. : 8788286606
Email address : [email protected]
A) Variety Released

B) Important Research Recommendations

Future Line of Works

Date of Establishment - 1995
Total Area - 2 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. K.S. Gadhe 9421459461
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Mouthbean, Hoursegram, quilth Cowpea & Gawar
Date of Establishment - 2009
Total Area - 21 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. G. R. Munde; 08275072792
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Custard Apple
Date of Establishment - 1975
Total Area - 16.40 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. S.B.Pawar 9422178982
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Bajra
Seed Production for the last five years.
Date of Establishment - 1979
Total Area - ---
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. V. D. Salunke, 07588571580
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - All Agricultural crops (Seed Production)
Seed Production for the last five years.
Date of Establishment - 1951
Total Area - 84.94 ha
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. D. K. Patil; 07588562608
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected] & [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Chickpea
Variety Released : BDNGK 798
BDNGK 798 is Kabuli bold seeded chickpea variety. Plant height of this variety is in the range of 40-50 cm. It is bold seeded; semi spreading growth habit. It is matured up to 113 days. Its’ yield is 1600 to 1800 kg/ha. BDNGK 798 is wilt tolerant and also tolerant to gram pod borer. Released for Maharashtra State and also recommended for North East Plane Zone of India in 2014.
Date of Establishment - 1970
Total Area - 16.40 ha
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. K. S. Baig; 07304127810
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected] & [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Hybrid Cotton
Date of Establishment - 1977
Total Area - 36.78 ha
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. W.N.Narkhede 09822992864, 7588052184
E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Cotton, Pigeonpea & Soybean
Recommended in-situ and ex-situ moisture conservation practices for all dryland crops. Prepared contingency crop plan for Marathwada region. Recommended open well and bore well recharge techniques. Recommended farm pond sizes as per runoff potential.
Date of Establishment - 1997
Total Area - --
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. Tasneem Naheed Khan 9423444375
Tel No. & E-mail Address - 02452-233260(O), [email protected]
Important Research Crops -
- Development of iron rich toffee to consume daily for improving hemoglobin level in the blood of adolescent girls.
- Developed ergonomically accessed drudgery reducing technologies for Cotton Picking, Weeding, Milking, Dung Collection, Flour Milling activities, Okra, Brinjal and Soybean Harvesting and disseminated technologies amongst farmers and different institutes for initiating its adoption.
- Training module and Video CD for intervention on improving life skills of rural adolescent girls is developed and recommended to Department of Women and Child Welfare.
- Developed Eco-friendly and fast natural dyes from locally available plant sources for dyeing and printing of textiles and for preparation of Eco-Holi colours.
- Medicinal plants utilized in Maharashtra were identified and ITK (Information Technology and Knowledge) regarding its used were documented ,scientifically validated and published at National level in English which were translated in Marathi for public use
Date of Establishment - 1978
Total Area - 8 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr.W.N.Narkhede; 9822992864
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - All field crops
- Developed IFS model for small and marginal farmers for higher economic returns.
Date of Establishment - 1995-96
Total Area - 1.0 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr.R.N.Khandare 9422974728
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Safflower & Soybean
The package of practices on fertilizer use for soybean – safflower cropping system based on soil analysis.
Date of Establishment - 1993
Total Area - 3.22 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. K.K. Dakhore; 9409548202
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected], [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Soybean, Cotton & Pigeon pea
All India Coordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology(AICRPAM) :
Gramin Krishi Mausam Seva Scheme :
Pocra Project :
View More DetailsDate of Establishment - 2015
Total Area ---
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. D. K. Patil; 07588562608
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected] & [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Greengram and Blackgram
Date of Establishment - 1993
Total Area -
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. S. B. Ghuge; 09421460143
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Safflower
Release of Parbhani Sharda, Parbhani kusum, Parbhani Suvarna
Date of Establishment - 1951
Total Area - 84.94 ha
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. D. K. Patil; 07588562608
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected] & [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Pigeonpea
- BDN 711 (BDN 2004-3) Year : 2011 : The variety is moderately resistant to wilt and resistant to sterility mosaic. Released for the general cultivation in Western Maharashtra and Marathwada region for low rainfall areas, light and medium soils. The genotype matures in 150-155 days. The genotype is having sun red stem colour, yellow flower, white seed, and indeterminate growth habit.
- Transplanting of seedlings of four week duration of mid-late varieties of pigeonpea can be successfully done under rainfed condition to obtain maximum profit.
- Multiple Disease Resistance (Wilt and Sterility Mosaic Resistance): BWR 23, BSMR 52, BSMR 853, BSMR 889, BSMR 539, BSMR 846,BSMR 736
Date of Establishment - 1981
Total Area - 11.93 ha
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Prof. L. S. Deshmukh; 09422378482
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Paddy
- Released varieties of paddy (Terna, Ambika, Tuljapur-1, TGP-48 ) also recommended packgage of practices for cultivation of paddy.
Date of Establishment - 1979
Total Area - -
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. K.S.Baig , 07304127810
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - All field crops
Seed germination testing at University level
Date of Establishment - 1979
Total Area -
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. K. S. Baig 07304127810
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Breeder seed production of various crops
To produce breeder seed production of various crops and supply for seed multiplication to Mahabeej and other FPO
Achieved target of seed production as per the GoI / DAC indent
Date of Establishment - 1976
Total Area - 51.96 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. A.L. Dhamak 09420033046
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Production of Bio fertilizer
Last five years production and sale
Date of Establishment - 1970
Total Area - 51.96 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr.L.N.Jawale 07588082157
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Kharif & Rabi Sorghum
Name of Variety : PVK 400 (1990), PVK 801 (1999), PVK 809 (2002), CSH 25 (P. Sainath) (2007), CSH 7 R (1976), CSH 8 R (1978), SPV 1411 (Parbhani Moti) (2002) & CSV 18 R (Parbhani Jyoti) (2005) Parbhani Shakti.
Date of Establishment - 1975
Total Area - 5.80 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. S. M. Umate, 9405491079
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Soybean
Name of Variety : Aarti (MAUS 1), POOJA (MAUS 2), PRASAD (MAUS 32), PARBHANI SONA (MAUS 47), PRATIKAR (MAUS 61), PRATISHTHA (MAUS 61-2), SAMRUDHI (MAUS 71) ,SHAKTI (MAUS 81), MAUS 158 MAUS 162, MAUS 612, MAUS 725 and MAUS 731
Varieties of Soybean
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. S. M. Umate, 9405491079
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Soybean
Date of Establishment - 1987
Total Area - 26.29 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr. M. K. Ghodke; 09423777585
Tel No. & E-mail Address - 02382-245294; [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Sunflower
Research of sunflower hybrid LSFH-171 at national level
Date of Establishment - 2009
Total Area - 1.5 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr.S. N. Solanki 08007752526
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops -
Released 53 implements and equipments
- Bullock cart 1 ton load capacity.
- Rotary mode transmission for post harvest operating machinery for bullock cart.
- Rotary mode transmission for water lifting from farm pond & bower well.
- Three time Weeder
- Yoke
- Improved stubble collector
- Optimization of blade width of harrow.
- 5 row BBF planter
Date of Establishment - 1980
Total Area - 34.4 ha.
Name & Mobile No. of Incharge - Dr.H.W. Awari 08329577291
Tel No. & E-mail Address - [email protected]
Important Research Crops - Turmeric, Summer Groundnut, Soybean, Chickpea, Water melon, Mango, Beat & Sweet Orange.
Recommendations on irrigation and fertigation schedule for various field crops, fruit and vegetable crops to cater the need of irrigated farming community of Marathwada region.