Cotton Research Station Nanded

I) Cotton varieties released during last five years

Release of American cotton (G. hirsutum)

1) NHH 44 BG II :

1. Intra hirsutum Bt cotton hybrid NHH 44 BG II was released for cultivation under rainfed regions of Central Zone (Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh) by Central Variety Release Committee, New Delhi in year 2018.

2. The silent features of intra hirsutum Bt cotton hybrid NHH 44 BG II :

a) Productivity : 22-25 q/ha (Rainfed)
b) Ginning Outturn : 37-38 %
c) Fibre Length : 25-26 mm
d) Special features :
  • Tolerant to sucking pests
  • Tolerant to Bacterial blight and Alternaria leaf spot.
  • Sustainable yield under varying climate.
  • Rejuvenation capacity.
2) NH 1901 Bt :

1. Bt cotton variety NH 1901 Bt was released for cultivation under rainfed regions of Central Zone (Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh) by Central Variety Release Committee, New Delhi in year 2023.

2. The silent features of Bt cotton variety NH 1901 Bt:

a) Productivity : 14-16 q/ha (Rainfed)
b) Ginning Outturn : 33-36 %
c) Fibre Length : 25-26 mm
d) Fibre strength : 25-26 g/tex
e) Micronaire : 4.17 µ/inch
f) Special features
  • Tolerant to sucking pests
  • Tolerant to Bacterial blight and Alternaria leaf spot
3) NH 1902 Bt :

1. Bt cotton variety NH 1902 Bt was released for cultivation under rainfed regions of Central Zone (Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh) by Central Variety Release Committee, New Delhi in year 2023.

2. The silent features of Bt cotton variety NH 1902 Bt:

a) Productivity : 15-17 q/ha (Rainfed)
b) Ginning Outturn : 35-37 %
c) Fibre Length : 25-26 mm
d) Fibre strength : 25-26 g/tex
e) Micronaire : 4.60 µ/inch
f) Special features
  • Tolerant to sucking pests
  • Tolerant to Bacterial blight and Alternaria leaf spot
4) NH 1904 Bt :

1. Bt cotton variety NH 1904 Bt was released for cultivation under rainfed regions of Central Zone (Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh) by Central Variety Release Committee, New Delhi in year 2023.

2. The silent features of Bt cotton variety NH 1904 Bt:

a) Productivity : 13-15 q/ha (Rainfed)
b) Ginning Outturn : 36-37 %
c) Fibre Length : 25-26 mm
d) Fibre strength : 25-26 g/tex
e) Micronaire : 4.60 µ/inch
f) Special features
  • Tolerant to sucking pests
  • Tolerant to Bacterial blight and Alternaria leaf spot
NH 1901
NH 1902
NH 1903

Release of American cotton (G. hirsutum)

1) NH 677 :

1. G. hirsutum cotton variety NH 677 was released for cultivation under rainfed regions of Maharashtra by Joint AGRESCO and State Seed Sub-Committee, Maharashtra state in year 2023.

2. The silent features of G. hirsutum cotton variety NH 677:

a) Productivity : 14-16 q/ha (Rainfed)
b) Ginning Outturn : 36-37 %
c) Fibre Length : 25-26 mm
d) Special features :
  • Tolerant to sucking pests
  • Tolerant to Bacterial blight and Alternaria leaf spot.

Release of Desi cotton (G. arboreum) variety

1) PA 740 :

Desi cotton variety PA 740 was released for cultivation under rainfed regions of South Zone (Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu) by Central Variety Release Committee, New Delhi in year 2019. The variety was also released for cultivation in Marathwada region of Maharashtra by Joint AGRESCO and notified in the year 2019.

1. This variety is having high yield and excellent fibre properties.

2. The silent features of the variety PA 740 :

a) Productivity : 15-16 q/ha
b) Ginning Outturn : 36-37 %
c) Fibre Length : 36-37 %
d) Fibre strength : 27-28 g/tex
e) Micronaire : 4.5 µ/inch
f) Spinning counts : 30s
g) Duration : 150-160 days
h) Special features :
  • Superior fibre length, strength and micronaire
  • Tolerant to sucking pests, bacterial blight and grey mildew
2) PA 812 :

Desi cotton variety PA 812 was released for cultivation under rainfed regions of Central Zone (Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh) by Central Variety Release Committee, New Delhi in year 2020.

3. This variety is having high yield and excellent fibre properties.

4. The silent features of the variety PA 812 :

a) Productivity : 15-16 q/ha
b) Ginning Outturn : 34-35 %
c) Fibre Length : 29-30 mm
d) Fibre strength : 29-30 g/tex
e) Micronaire : 4.5 µ/inch
f) Spinning counts : 30
g) Duration : 150-160 days
h) Special features :
  • Superior fibre length, strength and micronaire
  • Tolerant to sucking pests, bacterial blight and grey mildew
PA 740
PA 812
3) PA 810 :

Desi cotton variety PA 810 was released for cultivation under rainfed regions of Central Zone (Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh) by Central Variety Release Committee, New Delhi in year 2021. The silent features of the variety PA 810 :

a) Productivity : 15-16 q/ha
b) Ginning Outturn : 33-34 %
c) Fibre Length : 29-30 mm
d) Fibre strength : 28-29 g/tex
e) Micronaire : 4.5 µ/inch
f) Spinning counts : 30s
g) Duration : 150-160 days
h) Special features :
  • Superior fibre length, strength and micronaire
  • Tolerant to sucking pests, bacterial blight and grey mildew
PA 740
PA 812
4) PA 837 :

Desi cotton variety PA 837 was released for cultivation under rainfed regions of South Zone (Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu) by Central Variety Release Committee New Delhi, in year 2022. The silent features of the variety PA 837 :

a) Productivity : 15-16 q/ha
b) Ginning Outturn : 35-36 %
c) Fibre Length : 28-29 mm
d) Fibre strength : 27-28 g/tex
e) Micronaire : 4.8 µ/inch
f) Spinning counts : 30s
g) Duration : 150-160 days
h) Special features :
  • Superior fibre length, strength and micronaire
  • Tolerant to sucking pests, bacterial blight and grey mildew
PA 810
PA 837
5) PA 833 :

Desi cotton variety PA 833 was released for cultivation under rainfed regions of South Zone (Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu) by Central Variety Identification Committee in year 2023. The silent features of the variety PA 833 :

a) Productivity : 15-16 q/ha
b) Ginning Outturn : 35-36 %
c) Fibre Length : 28-29 mm
d) Fibre strength : 27-28 g/tex
e) Micronaire : 4.8 µ/inch
f) Spinning counts : 30s
g) Duration : 150-160 days
h) Special features :
  • Superior fibre length, strength and micronaire
  • Tolerant to sucking pests, bacterial blight and grey mildew
PA 833
II) Technologies Recommended
  • Spacing of 120 x 45 cm and fertilizer level 120:60:60 NPK kg/ha-1 with two equal splits of nitrogen (basal and 30 DAS), 100% phosphorus and potassium as basal is recommended for profitable Bt cotton production in medium to deep black soil under rainfed condition.
  • Intercropping of green gram in 1:2 row proportion in Bt cotton with spacing of 120 x 45 cm is recommendation for profitable production under rainfed condition.
  • Application of Nitrogen in three splits (40% as basal + 30% 4 WAS + 30% 8 WAS) is recommended for higher and profitable yield of Bt cotton under rainfed condition.
  • Spraying of weedicide Pyrithioback Sodium @ 62.5 g a.i. /ha + Quizolfopethyl 50 g a.i. / ha PoE (tank mix) at 20-30 DAS (2-4 weed leaf stage) + one hoeing at 45 DAS is recommended for lowering weed intensity, higher and profitable seed cotton yield of Bt Cotton.
  • Seed treatment of Azotobactor + PSB @ 25 g each / kg seed + in situ green manuring of sunhemp and its incorporation in soil after 45 DAS is recommended for soil enrichment and profitable organic cultivation of American cotton varieties. (2017).
  • It is recommended to undertake sprays of Mepiquat chloride (5%) @ 25 g a.i. / ha at square formation and flowering stage for retarding vegetative growth, increasing seed cotton yield and profitable monetary returns of Bt cotton under rainfed conventional cultivation.
  • Sowing of Bt cotton on BBF (top width 90 cm) prepared by tractor along with pre and post emergence application of recommended weedicides and spraying of crop protection pesticides by tractor drawn sprayer is recommended for lower labour requirement, higher yield and net returns.
  • Spacing of 120 x 45 cm (18,518 plants ha-1) for Bt cotton hybrids is recommended for sowing at onset of monsoon and spacing of 90 x 45 cm (24,691 plants ha-1) is recommended if sowing is delayed by 2 weeks after onset of monsoon for higher and profitable yield under rainfed condition in Marathwada region.
  • Intercropping of Green gram in arboreum cotton (1:1) is recommended for higher seed cotton equivalent yield and profitable returns of organic cotton whereas seed treatment of biofertilizers + application of neem cake @ 250 kg ha-1 in soil at sowing + in-situ green manuring of sunhemp @ 50 kg seed ha-1 in desi cotton is recommended for soil enrichment under organic farming conditions.
  • Sowing of Bt cotton hybrid on spacing 90 x 30 cm + polymulch + prunning of monopodial branches at 45 DAS + detopping at 75 DAS is recommended for higher seed cotton yield and monetary returns of Bt cotton under high density planting system.
Spacing 120 x 45 cm Inder Rainfed
BBF + PE and PoE weedicides
High density planting of cotton
Prunning of monopodia
III) Memorandum of Understanding
  • Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyaeeth, Parbhani– 431 402 and Remei India Ltd, Kasrawad, Madhya Pradesh and bioRe Association, Kasrawad, Madhya Pradesh on 04.05.2022 for ‘Development, evaluation and promotion of medium and long staple desi cotton genotypes under organic situation for the state of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.’
  • Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani– 431 402 and ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology, Mumbai-400 019 on 16.02.2023 for ‘Sharing of scientific expertise and exchange of research ideas in the form of long-term collaborative research, education, extension and training for overall improvement in cotton productivity, testing, post harvest processing and value addition.’
  • Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani– 431 402 and MAHYCO Pvt. Ltd., Jalna 431 203 on 26.06.2023 for ‘Sharing of scientific expertise and exchange of research ideas in the form of long-term collaborative research, education, extension and training for overall improvement in cotton productivity, laboratory fiber testing, post harvest processing and value addition.’
  • Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani– 431 402 and Paani Foundation, New Delhi 110 001 on 28.03.2023 for ‘Knowledge partner, making training material and providing advice to Farmers Groups on sustainable, water efficient and remunerative agriculture.’
IV) Varieties/hybrids registered under PPVFRA, New Delhi
Sr. No. Name of Crop Crop Group Name of Variety/Hybrid Category of vVariety/Hybrid Registration Number Date of Certificate issue
1. Cotton (G,arboreum) Cash crop PA 402 (Vinayak) Extant variety 12/2013 31/01/2013
2. Cotton (G,arboreum) Cash crop PA 255 (Parbhani Turab) Extant variety 13/2013 31/01/2013
3. Cotton (G,arboreum) Cash crop PH 348 Extant variety 824 of 2014 29/12/2014
4. Cotton (G,arboreum) Cash crop NH 545 Extant variety 826 of 2014 29/12/2014
5. Cotton (G,arboreum) Cash crop NH 615 Extant variety 44 of 2014 05/02/2014
V) Extension Activities (2021-22 to 2023-24)
Sr. No. Particulars 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
A) Extension Programs Organized
i. Trainings 1 1 1
ii. Kisan Mela 1 1 2
B) Extension Programs Participated
i. Kisan Mela and Training Psrograms 18 11 10
ii. Exhibition 3 5 3
iii. Field Visits 14 23 29
C) Extension Publications
i. Folders 2 4 2
ii. Radio Talks 3 4 4
iii. Popular Articles 3 5 5
VI) TSP and SCSP activities

a) Tribal Sub Plan

Particular/Year Budget sanctioned (Rs) Expenditure (Rs) Balance (Rs)
2022-23 ₹2,68,000 ₹2,67,916 ₹84
  • Tribal Sub Plan programme was implemented in Talegaon village (Tq. Umri) of Nanded district during 2022-23.
  • Plant protection inputs were distributed 170 Scheduled Tribal farmers.
  • Technology interventions implemented
  • Capacity building of the farmers/farm women
  • Introduction of improved varieties/hybrids
  • Adoption of ICM, INM and IPDM practices
Sanctioned Budget : ₹2.68 lakh
Number of beneficiaries : 170
Targets and Achievements
Sr. No. Particular Unit Annual Total
Target Achievements
1. Trainings (Capacity building) (1 day) No. 1 1
2. Awareness camps, exposure visits etc. No. 4 4
3. Input Distribution Plant protection chemicals Kg 0.85 0.85
4. Development of Literature No. 1 1
Inputs distributed
  • Azadirachtin 3000 ppm : 500 ml per farmer
  • Emamectin benzoate 5 % SG : 100 g per farmer
  • Thiamethoxam 12.6 % + Lambda-cyhalothrin 9.5 % ZC : 250 ml per farmer

b) Scheduled Cast Sub Plan

Particular/Year Budget sanctioned (Rs) Expenditure (Rs) Balance (Rs)
2022-23 ₹3,00,000 ₹2,98,504 ₹1,496
  • Scheduled Cast Sub Plan programme was implemented in Talegaon village (Tq. Umri) of Nanded district during 2022-23.
  • Plant protection inputs were distributed 87 Scheduled Cast farmers.
  • Technology interventions implemented
  • Capacity building of the farmers/farm women
  • Introduction of improved varieties/hybrids
  • Adoption of ICM, INM and IPDM practices
Sanctioned Budget : ₹3.00 lakh
Number of beneficiaries : 87
Targets and Achievements
Sr. No. Particular Unit Annual Total
Target Achievements
1. Trainings (Capacity building) (1 day) No. 1 1
2. Awareness camps, exposure visits etc. No. 8 11
3. Input Distribution Plant protection chemicals Kg 0.85 0.85
Fertilizers (NPK) Qt 43.5 43.5
4. Development of Literature No. 1 1
Inputs distributed
  • Azadirachtin 3000 ppm : 500 ml per farmer.
  • Emamectin benzoate 5 % SG : 100 g per farmer.
  • Thiamethoxam 12.6 % + Lambda-cyhalothrin 9.5 % ZC : 250 ml per farmer.
  • Chemical fertilizer : NPK - 10:26:26 - 1 bag (50 kg) per farmer.
VI) Scientist Details
Sr. No. Name of post Sanctioned Post Filled Post Vacant Post Name of Scientist / Staff Year Since ICAR-AICRP on Cotton
AICRP on Cotton, Nanded (Main centre)
1. Associate Professor (Breeding) 1 1 Nil Dr. V. N. Chinchane 2021
2. Assistant Professor (Agronomy) 1 1 Nil Dr. V. K. Khargkharate 2005
3. Assistant Professor (Entomology) 1 1 Nil Dr. B. V. Bhede 2021
4. Assistant Professor (Plant Pathology) 1 1 Nil Dr. P. K. Dhoke 2008
CRS, Nanded – Non plan / NARP schemes
1. Professor (Breeding) 1 1 Nil Dr. K. S. Baig 2013
2. Assistant Professor (Agronomy) 1 1 Nil Dr. A. D. Pandagale 2007
3. Assistant Professor (Seed Technology) 0 1 - Dr. S. N. Devkule 2023
4. Assistant Professor (Statistics) 1 Nil 1 - -
Total 6 7 Nil