Student Welfare
Student Welfare
Student's Welfare Office
Guidelines of Aavishkar - 2022-23
Guidelines for the conduct of Aavishkar - 2022-23
Aavishkar Guideline 2022
The Students Welfare Office is one of the constituent Office of Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani with a prime object for over all development of University students.
Students Welfare Officer
- Dr. Sachin Sudharkarrao More

The following co-curricular activities are conducted for university students/Staff
- Sports
- Cultural events
- National Service Scheme
- Celebration of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayantis.
- Arrangement of Flag-Hosting on 26th Janawary, 01st May, 17th September and 15th August on University ground.
- Organization of Employer Sports Meet.

Various cultural activities like Theater, Light Vocal, Literary, Dance, Music & and Fine Arts are conduced every year for over all development of university students.
The University teams are participating in various cultural events like AIU West Zone Youth Festival, ICAR Youth Festival, Indradhanushya Avishkar, Aavan etc.
Performance of V.N.M.K.V. Parbhani Teams in Cultural Events

The National Service Scheme (NSS) has been stared from 1974 at Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani. The main aim of NSS is to develop Social awareness, National Leadership and personality Development of University Students. At present 44 NSS Units are working well at Agriculture Schools and Colleges under the jurisdiction of University.
Ku. Pradnya Badgire participate in RD Parade 26 Jan 2006.
The following Volunteers have got best volunteer award.
- Shri. V. A. Dalvi - 2001
- Shri. R. Jagtap - 2002
- Shri. G. B. Kale - 2003 (Indira Gandhi National Award for Best Work)
- Shri. M. D. Bibinaware - 2004
- Miss. Vanita Barfe - 2006
- Ku. Pallavi Tempkar - 2007
- Shri. Sandip Wayal - 2008
- Ku. Rashmi Bangale - 2009
- Ku. Mohini Wayal - 2012
- Ku. Anuradha Patekhede - 2013
- Prof. R.V. Shinde - NSS Programme Officer, Best Award of Govt.of Maharashtra - 2014
- Shri. R.J. Karegaonkar - 2014, Best NSS Voluntior Award
- Prof. Anis Kamble - NSS Programe Officer, Best Award of Govt.of Maharashtra - 2015
- Dr. Abhijeet Kandare - NSS Programme Officer, Best Award of Government of Maharashtra - 2016