AICRPAM Agrimeteorology Parbhani

AICRPAM Agrimeteorology Parbhani

Staff Position

Sr. No. Name of Staff Post
1. Dr.Kailas Kamaji Dakhore Agrometeorologist
2. Shri. Yadav Eknathrao Kadam Senior Research Fellow
3. Shri. Bapurao Sanjay Bhalerao Young Professional-II
4. Shri. Ramkrishna Balaji Mane Young Professional-II
5. Shri. Dattarao Raosaheb Bobade Met Observer

Significant Achievements(Top Five)

1. Patent/IP/Technologies/Varieties/MachineriesDeveloped/ Methodologies/ Recommendations Year
1. I led the successful implementation of the Continuous Rainfall Criteria (CRC) for farmer remuneration in Maharashtra. This pioneering initiative utilized NDVI-based assessments to objectively evaluate crop damage caused by continuous rainfall. By ensuring precise and timely compensation grounded in scientific data, we empowered farmers to mitigate financial losses and bolster resilience against climate-relatedrisks.Oureffortsnotonlymodernizedagriculturalpoliciesbutalso promoted sustainable farming practices, fostering the welfare of rural communities across Maharashtra. 2023

During the Kharif season of 2023, the Marathwada region faced a significant mid adverse drought marked by a prolonged dry spell in August. Accordingto theGovernmentof India's drought manual,are spell acting 21 days during the critical growing period of Kharif crops qualifies an area for mid adverse drought compensation under the Pradhan Mantri FasalBima Yojana (PMFBY) scheme.

To assess the impact of this dry spell, a comprehensive analysis was conducted. This analysis evaluated the extent of crop damage and loss caused by the adverse climatic conditions, particularly focusing on the affected regions within Marathwada. Utilizing the guidelines of PMFBY, which includeobjectivecriteriasuchasNDVI-basedassessmentsandcropyielddata, compensation was meticulously calculated and disbursed to eligible farmers.


The crop coefficient (Kc) values provided are essential for estimating the water requirement of soybean crops during different growth stages in the Marathwada region. Here’s how these values are typically used :

Initial Stage(1-28days) : Kc=0.64

This stage covers the early growth phase ofsoybean plants when they are Establishing root systems and initial vegetative growth is occurring.

Mid Stage (29-84 days) : Kc = 1.31

The mid stage represents the period of active vegetative growth and flowering in soybean plants. This is when the crop is utilizing more water to support biomass production and reproductive processes.

EndStage(85-110days) : Kc=0.66

During the end stage, soybean plants are nearing maturity, and there is a reduction in vegetative growth. The crop is focusing more on seed development and filling.

Application in Estimating Crop Water Requirement:

To estimate the crop water requirement (ETc) at any given time during the growing season, the Kc value corresponding to the growth stage is multiplied by the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) for the location.

ETo is typically estimated using weather data and represents the evaporative demand of the atmosphere.


Significance for Marathwada:

Marathwada region experiences specific climatic conditions that influence crop water needs. These Kc values are tailored for local conditions, helping farmers and policymakers make informed decisions regarding irrigation scheduling and water management practices.

Using these Kc value sensures that soybean crops receivead equate water during critical growth stages, optimizing yield potential while conserving water resources


The crop coefficient (Kc) values provided are crucial for estimating thewater requirements of Bt. cotton crops during various growth stages across Maharashtra. Here’s a breakdown of how these Kc values are typically applied :


This stage corresponds to the earlydevelopment phase of Bt. cotton, where the plants are establishing and undergoing initial vegetative growth.

MidStage(31-111days): Kc=1.24

The mid stage covers the period of active vegetative growth and flowering in Bt. cotton. This is when the crop requires the highest amount of water for biomass production and reproductive processes.


During the end stage, Bt. cotton plants are maturing, and there is a decrease in vegetative growth. Water requirement decreases as the crop transitions to focusing on boll development and maturation.

ApplicationinEstimatingCropWater Requirement:

To calculate the crop water requirement (ETc) at any given time during the growing season, multiply the Kc value corresponding to the growth stage bythe reference evapotranspiration (ETo) for the location.

ETo represents the evaporative demand of the atmosphere and is typically estimated using weather data.


Significancefor Maharashtra:

Maharashtra’s diverse agro-climatic zones influence Bt. cotton water requirements. These specific Kc values are tailored for the state's conditions, aiding farmers and agricultural authorities in efficient irrigation management and water resource planning.

By using these Kcvalues, stake holder scan optimize water use efficiency, enhance crop productivity, and mitigate risks associated with water stress during critical growth stages of Bt. cotton.


Ifthesoilmoistureisreducedduetodryspell,theyieldofsoybeancropis decreases as follows this is recommended for Marathwada region

  • Vegetative stage : 39.1%
  • Flowering stage : 55.4%
  • Pod formation stage : 45.1%
  • Poddevelopment stage : 23.0%
  • Vegetative stage to Flowering stage : 62.8%
  • Flowering stage to pod formation stage : 67.3%
  • Pod formation to pod development stage : 59.1%

6. For improved sugarcane yield prediction, we recommend integrating optical (Sentinel-2) and SAR (Sentinel-1) data using advanced machine learning techniques like Bayesian methods, bagging, boosting, and model stacking. This approach can effectively predict biomass, even when optical data is unavailable due to cloud cover. The model demonstrated good accuracy in predicting sugarcane yield at the micro-zone level in Maharashtra, with forecasts available 1-2 months before harvest, helping sugar mills plan better for regional trading.

Best Innovative Farmer Award-2023
Prof. B. V. Ramana Rao Best paper award in Agricultural Meteorology
Dr. S. Venkataraman Young Scientist Award
Best Agromet Field Unit (AMFU) award 2018
Appreciation from District Magistrate/Collector, Parbhani District
Best oral presentation award
Appreciation from India Meteorological Department, Pune
Poster publication
Folder publication
Appreciation letter from District Magistrate/Collector, Parbhani District
Appreciation letter from District Magistrate/Collector, Beed District
List of publications of Author (s) :
  • Dakhore K.K, H. R Patel, V Pandey, A. M Shekh. (2008). Economic impact assessment using agro-advisory services in middle Gujarat agro climatic zone. Journal of Agrometeorology (Specialissue-Part2)pp-541-544.
  • Dakhore K.K, B.K Bhattacharya ,K Mallick, R Nigam, NK Patel,V Pandey and M. Shekh. (2008). Wheat yield prediction in semi-arid region using moderate resolution satellite optical and thermal infrared data. Journal Of Agrometeorology 10,pp-418-424.
  • B Ajithkumar, M. B Savani, K. K Dakhore. (2008). Periodical changes anddiurnal variations of stomatal conductance and leaf temperature in cauliflower.Journal Of Agrometeorology10(1),pp-86-88.
  • Nihalani A. L, B Ajithkumar, K. K Dakhore, M.BSavani. (2008). Testing of BRASSICA model on mustard GM-2 under South Gujarat. Journal Of Agrometeorology.10,pp-455-456.
  • Dakhore K.K, B. K Bhattacharya, K Mallick, R Nigam, NK Patel, V Pandey.(2008).Energy budget over semi- arid agro ecosystem using satellite data. Journal of Agrometeorology 10,pp-58-64.
  • Mishra S.K, K.K Dakhore,V Pandey,B.I Karande,K.IPatel.(2009). Development of district-wise cotton yield prediction in Gujarat. Journal of Agrometeorology .Volume11Special Issue,,pp-180.
  • Bhattacharya B. K., K. Mallick, R. Nigam, Dakhore K.K. and A.M. Shekh.(2011). Efficiency based wheat yield prediction in a semi-arid climate usingsurface energy budgeting with satellite observations. Agricultural and ForestMeteorology,151(10),pp-1394-1408.
  • Dakhore K.K, A.M Shekh, B. K Bhattacharya,K Mallick, V Pandey, RNigam.(2011).Comparison of satellite derived water and radiation use efficiency based wheat yield models over semi-arid regions. Journal of Agrometeorology 13(2),pp-110-115.
  • Neeraj Kumar, S. S Patel, A. L Chalodia, O. U Vadaviya, H. R Pandya, R. RPisal, K. K Dakhore and M. L Patel (2015). Markov Chain and IncompleteGamma distribution analysis of weekly rainfall over Navsari region of SouthGujarat.MAUSAM66(4),pp-751-760.
  • Hiremath D. B., Shiyani, R. L. and Dakhore K.K (2016). Rainfall diagnosisincontextof cerealyields. Mausam 67,(4),pp-919-926.
  • Shinde, P. B; K. K Dakhore and D. P Waskar (2017).Validation and Usability of Medium Range Weather Forecast for Parbhani District of Marathwada Region. Journal of Agriculture Research and Technology 42 (3), pp-89.
  • Kadam Y. E, K. K.Dakhore, G. N. Gote and A. D. Nirwal (2018). “Relationbetween agrometeorological indices, crop phenology and yield of pigeon pea asinfluenced by different dates of sowing and varieties. J. Agric. Res. Technol; 43(2):pp-354-360.
  • Shinde P. B, and K. K Dakhore (2018). Impact Assessment and EconomicBenefits of Weather Prediction for Agromet Advisory Services in Marathwadaregion of Maharashtra. J. Agric. Res. Technol; 43 (2) : pp-361-365.
  • Dakhore K.K. and Y. E. Kadam (2018). Effect ofweatherparameters oncropgrowth, development and yield of kharif cotton varieties under extendedsowing times. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 7(12): pp-3411-3418.
  • Kadam Y. E and K. K. Dakhore (2019). Study the phenology growth and yield of kharif cotton in relation to Agrometeorolgical indices under different sowing dates.Bull. Evn. Pharmacol. Life Sci; 8 (5) :pp-09-14.
  • Nirwal. A. D., K. K. Dakhore and P. B. Shinde (2019). A case study on economic impact of agrometeorological advisory services in aurangabad district of marathwadar egion. Journal of Agrometeorology.21(1):PP-238-241.
  • Chaudhari N.V., Neeraj Kumar, P.K. Parmar, K. K. Dakhore, S. N. Chaudhariand S.K. Chandrawanshi (2019). Assessment of Impact of Temperature and CO2 on Growth and yield of Rice Crop using DSSAT Model. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.8(2):pp-776-78.
  • Chaudhari S. N, Neeraj Kumar,N. V Chaudhari, P K Parmar, S. K Chandrawanshi and K.KDakhore.(2019). Water balance study at Bharuchr egion of South Gujarat. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry2019;8(5):pp-1592-1596.
  • Sayyad R. S., K. K. Dakhore and S. V. Phad (2019). Analysis of rainfall trend of Parbhani, Maharshtra using Mann– Kendall test. J. of Agrometeorology 21(2):pp-239-240.
  • Phad S.V., K. K. Dakhore and R. S. Sayyad (2019). Comparison of different methods for estimation of reference evapotranspiration at Parbhani, Maharashtra. J.of Agrometeorology21(2):pp-236-238.
  • Chaudhari N. V, Kumar N, Parmar P. K, Dakhore K.K, Chaudhari S. N and Chandrawanshi S. K (2019). Thermal indices in relation to crop phenology andyield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in the south Gujarat region. J. of Pharmacand Phytoche8(2):pp-146-149.
  • Phad S.V., K. K. Dakhore and R.S. Sayyad. (2019).Estimation of Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) and Crop Water Requirement of Major Kharif Cerealsof Marathwada Region, Maharashtra. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci 8(2): pp-2441-2448.
  • Bobade, B.R.,B. V.Asewar, S. M. Nikam and Dakhore K.K., (2019).Thermal Requirement of Green Gram (Vigna radiate L.) Varieties at Different Phenological Stages under Varied Weather Condition. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.8(12):925-930.
  • Dakhore K.K, Y. E. Kadam and P. Vijayakumar (2020). Study the RainfallVariability and Impact Of El Nino Episode On Rainfall and Crop Productivity At Parbhani”MASUM71(2)pp-285-290.
  • Phad S. V., K. K. Dakhore and R. S. Sayyad (2020). Estimation of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) at Parbhani, Maharashtra. MAUSAM, 71 (1), 145-148.
  • Kadam Y. E.; K. K. Dakhore; A. S. Jadhav; D. P. Waskar ; P. Vijaya KumarandNitesh Awasthi (2020). Impact of El Nino–Southern Oscillation on Rainfalland Major Kharif Crops Production of Vidarbha Region. J. ofAgrometeorology22Specialissue: pp-251-256.
  • K.K.Dakhore,A.Karunakar,J.D.Jadhav,Y.E.Kadam,D.P.WaskarandP. Vijaya Kumar (2020). Analysis of Drought in the Maharashtra by Using theStandardized Precipitation Index. J. ofAgrometeorology 22 Special issue : pp-43-50.
  • Phad S. V. ,K. K. Dakhore, R. S. Sayyadand Nitesh Awashthi (2020).Estimation of Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) and Crop Water Requirementof Soybean and Cotton For Marathwada Region. J. ofAgrometeorology 22Specialissue: pp-197-203.
  • Savitri birajdar. K. K. Dakhoreand A. S. Rathod (2020). Impact of Weather Parameters on Yield of Groundnut(ArachishypogaeaL.) Under Varied Environmental Condition in Parbhani District ofMaharashtra. Intter.J.of Chemi Studi.8(5):426-430.
  • Vijaya Kumar, P. , Bal, S K., Dhakar, R., Chandran MAS., Subba Rao, AVM,Sandeep, V M., Pramod, V P., Mallwswari, S. N., Sudhakar, G., Solanki, N S.,Shivramu H S., Lunagaria, M. M., Dakhore K K., Londhe V. M., Singh M.,Kumari P., Subbulakshm, S., Manjunatha M. H.and Chaudhari N J. (2021).Algorithms for Weather Based Management Decisions in Major Rainfed Crops of India: Validation Using Data from Multi-location Field Experiments. AgronomyJournal.Pp-1-15.
  • G. B. Gohain; K. K. Singh; R. S. Singh; K. K. Dakhore and Kripan Gosh (2021). Application of CERES-sorghum crop simulation model DSSAT v4.7 fordetermining crop water stress in crop phenological stages. Model. Earth Syst.Environ.
  • K.K.Dakhore, A.S.Rathod, D.R.Kadam, G.U.Shinde, Y.E. Kadam and K. Ghosh (2021). Prediction of Kharif cotton yield over Parbhani, Maharashtra :Combination of extended range forecast and DSSAT-CROPGRO-Cotton model.MAUSAM,72,635-644.
  • Ramesh Bethala, B. V. Asewar, M. S. Peneke, K. K. Dakhore, M. G. Jadhavand Khobragade, A. M. 2021. Taluka Wise Study of Rainfall Pattern in Nanded District of Marthwada Region (Maharashtra) Using Rainfall Data. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 10(9):333-350.
  • M Kumar, A Das, KN Chaudhari, S Dutta, K K Dakhore and BK Bhattacharya (2021). Field-scale Assessment of Sugarcane for Mill-level Production Forecasting using Indian Satellite Data. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 1-17.
  • Kale, A. S., Dakhore K.K., &Bankar, D. S. (2022). Estimation of crop coefficient values of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril) cv. MAUS-71 by using lysimeter. The Pharma Innovation Journal 2022; 11(10): 1338-1342.
  • K Chadalavada, S Gummadi, KR Kundeti, DM Kadiyala, KC Deevi, K. K. Dakhore, R. K. B Diana, S K Thiruppathi (2022). Simulating Potential Impacts of Future Climate Change on Post-Rainy Season Sorghum Yields in India. Sustainability 14 (1), 334.
  • Awasthi, N., Tripathi, J., Dakhore K.K., Gupta, D. K., & Kadam, Y. E. (2022). Linkage between the vegetation indices and climate factors over Haryana. Journal of Agrometeorology, 24(4), 380-383.
  • D. R, Kadam, Timke, S. H., Dakhore K.K.,& Kadam, Y. E. (2022). Seasonal abundance of major insect pest on Bt cotton vis-à-vis weather parameters in Marathwada region, Maharashtra. Journal of Agrometeorology, 24(4), 430-433.
  • Das, A., Kumar, M., Kushwaha, A., Dave, R., Dakhore K.K., Chaudhari, K., & Bhattacharya, B. K. (2023). Machine learning model ensemble for predicting sugarcane yield through synergy of optical and SAR remote sensing. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 30, 100962.
  • Awasthi, N., Tripathi, J. N., Dakhore K.K., Gupta, D. K., & Kadam, Y. E. (2023). Assessment of climatic impact on growth and production of rice (Kharif) and wheat (Rabi) using geospatial technology over Haryana. MAUSAM, 74(4), 911-920.
  • Awasthi, N., Tripathi, J. N., Petropoulos, G. P., Kumar, P., Singh, A. K., Dakhore K.K., & Singh, D. K. (2024). Long-Term Spatiotemporal Investigation of Various Rainfall Intensities over Central India Using EO Datasets. Hydrology, 11(2), 27.
  • Bal, S. K., Shivaramu, H. S., Vijaya Kumar, P., Lingaraj, H., Sandeep, V. M., Subba Rao, A. V. M., K. K. Dakhore & Singh, R. (2024). Re-evaluating soil moisture-based drought criteria for rainfed crops in peninsular India. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12, 1319912.
  • A A Khatal, A B Jadhav, K. K Dakhore and Y E Kadam (2024). Impact of dry spell at different growth stages on morpho-physiology and yield of soybean. International Journal of Research in Agronomy; 7(10): 512-516.
  • Dakhore K.K., Kadam, Y., Kadam, D., Mane, R., Kapse, P., & Bal, S. (2024). Crop-weather relationship of soybean in Marathwada region of Maharashtra. Journal of Agrometeorology, 26(2), 163-167.
  • Patil, P., Jagtap, M., & Dakhore, K.K (2024). Drought severity estimation using NDWI index in Parbhani district of Maharashtra. Journal of Agrometeorology, 26(2), 225-227.
  • R.S. Sayyad; S. V. Phad and K. K. Dakhore (2024). Analysis of rainfall variability and probability in Parbhani district, Maharashtra, India. International journal of Environment and climate change. 14 (7), 131-140.
Books :
  • Dakhore K.K Anil Karunakar; J. D. Jadhav; D. N. Jagtap; P. B. Pawar and P.Vijaya Kumar, 2017. “Agroclimatic Atlas of Maharashtra”pp-234. ISBN : 978-81-933656-2-5. Publisher: Dr. D. P. Waskar, Director of Research, VNMKV,Parbhani.
  • Dakhore K.K A. S. Jadhav; Y. E. Kadam and P. Vijaya Kumar, 2019.“El Nino Effect on Climatic Variability and Crop Production : A Case Study for Maharashtra”.PP-68. ISBN : 978-81-940562-2-5. Publisher: Dr. D. P. Waskar, Director of Research, VNMKV, Parbhani.
  • Dakhore K.K Y. E. Kadam and A. R. Shaikh, 2020.“Climatic Normals and Extreme events at Parbhani” Technical bulletin, VNMKV/DOR/Technical Bulletin/10/2020. Publisher: Dr. D. P. Waskar, Director of Research, VNMKV, Parbhani.
  • Dakhore K.K P. B. Shinde; D. D. Patait; A.T. Daunde; C. B. Latpate and A. T. Shinde, 2019.“Hawaman adharitshetiyawasthapan” PP-152. ISBN : 978-93-88017-12-1.
  • Khobragade A. M., B.V. Asewar, K. K. Dakhore, G.N. Gote, P. Vijaya Kumar and V.U.M. Rao . (2016) Agrometeorology of Soybean Crop in Marathwada Region of Maharashtra State of India. VNMKV/DOR/ Technical Bulletin / 26/2016. Publisher: Dr. D. P. Waskar, Director of Research, VNMKV, Parbhani.
Folder/leaflet :
  • डॉ. कैलासका. डाखोरे, डॉ. बी.के. भट्टाचार्य, डॉ. राहुलनिगम, श्री. यादवए. कदम, श्री. प्रमोदबा. शिंदे, श्री. दत्तरावरा. बोबडे, श्री. रामकृष्णबा. मानेआणिश्री. अमोलना. जोंधळे.पीक हवामान दिनदर्शिका व उपग्रहाद्वारे प्राप्त माहिती आधारित कृषी सल्ला.व.ना.म.कृ.वि.वि.शि.सं.प्र.क्र./घडीपत्रीका/६/२०२३
  • Dr. Kailas K. Dakhore, Dr. B. K. Bhattacharya, Dr. Rahul Nigam, Shri. Yadav E. Kadam, Shri. Pramod B. Shinde, Shri. Dattrao R. Bobade, Shri. Ramkrishna B. Mane & Shri. Amol N. Jondhale. Crop weather calendar, satellite based products for Agro met bulletin.V.N.M.K.V.V.S.S.P.K/Folder/6/2023
Published Book Chapter :
  • डॉ. कैलासका. डाखोरे, डॉ. बी.के. भट्टाचार्य, डॉ. राहुलनिगम, श्री. यादवए. कदम, श्री. प्रमोदबा. शिंदे, श्री. दत्तरावरा. बोबडे, श्री. रामकृष्णबा. मानेआणिश्री. अमोलना. जोंधळे.पीक हवामान दिनदर्शिका व उपग्रहाद्वारे प्राप्त माहिती आधारित कृषी सल्ला.व.ना.म.कृ.वि.वि.शि.सं.प्र.क्र./घडीपत्रीका/६/२०२३
  • Dr. Kailas K. Dakhore, Dr. B. K. Bhattacharya, Dr. Rahul Nigam, Shri. Yadav E. Kadam, Shri. Pramod B. Shinde, Shri. Dattrao R. Bobade, Shri. Ramkrishna B. Mane & Shri. Amol N. Jondhale. Crop weather calendar, satellite based products for Agro met bulletin.V.N.M.K.V.V.S.S.P.K/Folder/6/2023